Department of Physics and Chemistry - Research projects

Research projects

Diagnostics of fusion plasmas

In this field the main aims of the research work are to study and develop different diagnostic methods and contribute in experimental data processing. The research programme is realized in the strong national and international cooperation with recognized institutions: Wigner Research Centre for Physics of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Nuclear Techniques of Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Institute for Plasma Physics of the Czech Republic, Academy of Sciences in Prague, and the Swiss Central Research Institute in Lausanne.

Financial support of the department: ~ 1 million HUF/year (EU)

Head of our university research group: Dr. Miklós Berta PhD, associate professor (


  • M. Berta et al.: Development of atomic beam probe for tokamaks, Fusion Eng. Des. (2013), (IF: ~1,49)
  • P. Hacek, M. Berta, J. Stockel, V. Weinzettl, G. Anda, G. Veres, S. Zoletnik: New detection system for fast density measurements using the lithium beam on the COMPASS Tokamak, WDS'13 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, Part II, pp. 86–90. (2013)
  • M. Odstrcil, J. Mlynar, V. Weinzettl, P. Hacek, M. Berta, T. Szabolics, A. Bencze: Dust observation in the COMPASS Tokamak using fast camera, WDS'13 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, Part II, pp. 73–79. (2013)


The Environmental Chemistry Research Group was founded in 2012 with the support of the Széchenyi István University Main Research Direction Grant. The main aim of the research group in 2013 was to assess the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals in surface water and sediment samples collected in Northwest Hungary.
Head of research group: Mrs. Nagy Dr. Andrea Szabó PhD, associate professor (


  • A. Szabó Nagy, J. Szabó, I. Vass: Trace metal and metalloid levels in surface water of Marcal River before and after the Ajka red mud spill, Hungary, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20(11) pp. 7603–7614. (2013) (IF: ~2,618 )
  • A. Szabó Nagy. G. Simon, J. Szabó, I. Vass: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface water and bed sediments of the Hungarian upper section of the Danube River, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185:(6) pp. 4619-4631. (2013) (IF: ~1,592)
  • A. Szabó Nagy, J. Szabó, I. Vass: Occurrence and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface water of the Raba River, Hungary, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A - Toxic/Hazardous substances & Environmental Engineering 48:(10) pp. 1190–1200. (2013) (IF: ~1,252)

A. Szabó Nagy. G. Simon, J. Szabó, I. Vass: Assessment of arsenic levels in surface water of the Marcal River, Hungary, Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference Applied Natural Sciences 2013, pp. 80–84. (2013)

Optical and colour theory modelling in digital image processing

The research areas of the department are as follows: simulation of human vision, computational model of retina, visibility modelling of traffic situations, investigating reflectance functions of surfaces based on digital images, processing medical diagnostics images.

Head of research group: Dr. András Horváth CSc, associate professor (


  • Zs. Sávoli, B. Kránicz, A. Horváth: Spectral reconstruction on the basis of several samples and principal components analysis, Acta Technica Jaurinensis 6:(4) pp. 79–85. (2013)

Horváth, B. Kránicz, Zs. Sávoli, Cs. I. Hencz, G. Takács: Environmental conditions causing change of colour on the packaging of products, Acta Technica Jaurinensis 6:(4) pp. 31–39. (2013)